Today held magic. I started with looking out the window of the b'n'b I am staying at, at a horrible, low, gray sky thinking "oh damn, I'm going to get soaked!" But I didn't!
Instead, there was a market in Salisbury, which just gave the whole town another feel to it! When I arrived last night, it was not as busy! My first port of call - a tattoo parlour. Yes, I have booked in to get another tattoo, something which will remind me of strength and resilience.After that, I got directions from a vender, as well as fingerless gloves, my awesome blue hat, and and and and and AN AVIATOR HAT!!! Granted it's not a real leather one, but it is so cool! I know when I am Scotland it is going to come in handy! I also know I am going to look like an absolute dork wearing it, but hey - fashion isn't my forte!

I managed to weave my way through the market place to the bus stop, where a tour bus to Stonehenge leaves from. £11 or so later, I got a return ticket to Stonehenge! The bus ride was actually quite interesting, the driver played a recording which gave us information of how the stones got to the site, how old it was, and talked about the surrounding area, and how it's just as important as Stonehenge.
The site of Stonehenge was soo busy! And very close to the road. I didn't expect that, not at all! It was tricky to take photos because there were so many people walking around the site. But I worked my magic, and hopefully managed to get some usable photos. It was a moody day, with low clouds which actually had shape to them!!! Which is always nice.

I missed the bus I wanted to catch back, so had another half hour to wait for the next one. I watched the birds flying overhead, got pooped on by the same birds (shakes fist), and got cold, as the breeze picked up. Eventually time past and there was a line of people for the bus. Again, we had a recording of information about the surrounding area. By the roads are grave sites, giant burial mounds with group burials, going back thousands of years. Pretty amazing when you think about it really.

My afternoon was spent walking through the town, and at St Mary's Cathedral. I wasn't tall enough to take a particular photo, and had to set my tripod up quite high. A priest found it amusing, and asked me if I wanted to stand on a chair. I couldn't bring myself to do it... It was a cathedral. But after a couple of hours, I made my way back to Alabare House (ironic - it's a house of prayer) and now to bed, to dream of visiting Avebury and my tattoo in the afternoon...
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