Monday, August 2, 2010

Yet Another Day ... with Ardmore

How to begin this?

Generally from the start, which today happened to be either when I went to bed at 1.30 / 2.00 am this morning because we had 4 students who went out to London for the day with their parents, and didn't get back until around 2.00am (I was finally in bed by then, but it's next door to one of their rooms, so I heard them come in), or at 6.20am this morning when my alarm went off - telling me that I had to get ready. I had the pleasure of taking a 7.20am taxi to the airport to check in students leaving to go back to their home countries.

I had no problem with this, as it's not that hard... however... it was...

There wasn't a group leader with the first group (which I was told there would be), so I couldn't leave them to go to the next students, which eventually meant, I spent from 7.50 until 1.50 in Terminal 1 at Heathrow Airport waiting for these kids to leave on their plane... I don't like the airline staff, the majority of which were very rude and not helpful at all! I am never flying with that company.

While I was waiting at the airport, I saw the most quirkiest of shots I could of taken, with a very rough looking guy reading a book leaning next to a pot of flowers with a coffee, however I hadn't taken my camera with me because I thought I wouldn't really get the chance to take photos! So there was an opportunity lost.. Later on, there was another lost opportunity, two police officers walking through the terminal wearing half of a riot get-up, carrying what looked like automatic rifles - big and very intimidating!

What is the world coming to when countries such as England have to have police with riot gear and automatic rifles patrolling the terminal?! The driver I had to bring me back to Reading was telling me how it is like that in all the terminals now! (He told me loads of places to visit for my photography, and how I need to remember wet weather gear because the weather really is weird in this country! I've met this driver a few times now, when he's dropped children off and picked them up for Ardmore)

And to top off the airport adventure, while I was waiting for the taxi to arrive, another taxi who was picking up a passenger received a ticket, because you can no longer pick up at the drop off zone in front of Heathrow Airport T1 section! It's just absolutely madness!

(now I am trying to sleep after all that's happened today - and there is a bunch of possibly french girls outside squealing in time with each other... ear plugs anyone??)

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