Thursday, July 29, 2010

And the Fourth Week rolls on...

I'm working my way through the weeks at a more steady pace than that of the first week. As time goes on and more students return to their homes in various countries, the stress and agony of the first two weeks dims and fades to not a lot.

We have around 200 students and staff in total in Reading now, and I will admit it's so much easier to deal with - as opposed to 500+!!! The students are a great deal calmer, and things seem to go smoother for everyone... Not always (yesterday 9 individual students missed the coach for the excursion into Reading, but oh well, they got there eventually), but most of the time now things are calm.

Several Teachers, Welfare and Activity staff have their contracts end this weekend. It will be sad to see a lot of them go, I've gotten to know them and it's been good to have now familiar faces to talk to each day.

Tuesday just past was the head of sport - Georgie -'s 21st. On Monday night/Tuesday morning, someone had organised a GIANT cake for her, and got as many people as they could upstairs to the kitchen to surprise her with singing happy birthday and getting her to blow out the candles! It was so sweet to be a part of that, I'm glad I was there. Tuesday night saw us go out for her birthday, so after night shift out the last of us went. 3am saw me come back in, along with most of the others. As usual, it was an entertaining night...

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