Friday, July 2, 2010

Pop Quiz - And the Wooden Spoon Award goes to...

Last night I went to a pop quiz at a local pub with Becky and some of her chemistry friends, and some others who just tagged along (like me, only not as cool 'cos they aren't Aussie). The only Australian question Dave (the quiz master) asked was about football.... Aussie Rules footie. Seriously. I had the HUGE dilemma of not actually knowing WHICH of Australia's footy was considered Aussie Rules! So naturally - we got that answer wrong...

All up we were winners. Our team (The Usual Critters - Critters said in an Australian accent seems to be said with a soft 'd' not 't' sound) verses the boys who had come along and created their own team (We Eat Critter Fritters ... Nom Nom). The boys didn't win anything at all - where as we on the other hand - the wooden spoon award! The wooden spoon award meant we received a (very) cheap bottle of rose wine. The smell - I could smell it whilst it was still 10cm away from my face. It reminded me somewhat of paint stripper. And nail polish remover.

But as a joint winner of the wooden spoon, I felt obliged to drink it, and tell stories to the English folk around me of drop bears, platypus, echidnas, yowies, bunyips, and eventually the geography of Australia. I didn't however, scare them with stories of crocodiles and snakes. Oh and I taught them 'Aussie Words', things such as 'critter', 'feral', and 'bogan'... They seem to like the word 'feral' a lot! Which I found very amusing.

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