Ellie and Finn, thanks!
I think I would have gone crazy if I didn't get the chance to have a hug from those two kids, and visit their grandparent's home, which is an adorable little house which is over 400 years old!

It was soooo cool! Yes, so I hit my head on the door when I went through because it was very low, and yes I can touch the ceiling, but it was just amazing!
There is a a treehouse and ponds, and a lake and a little forest and just so much stacked into this gorgeous little house! Yes I'll get photos up, eventually.
We went for a walk through the forest, and around the lake - where Finn found the wasp nest and successfully got stung on the bum! Sorry Finny, but that was a little funny! Lunch saw me eating the yummiest home mde vegetable soup ever (I need to get the receipe), and the afternoon saw Ellie and Jack, Jane and Rick, Grandad Black and I go for a walk up and across the downs (I just really like saying that it sounds so cool!).

Before I left, I met Granny and Grandad Price, and had an awesome time chatting to them! Oohh and I went on the lake in a boat and we didn't capsize the boat! Ellie you made an excellent weight at the nose! I was perfect in the center!
now to end with a joke...
"if a deaf person commited a crime would he still get a hearing?"
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