Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Third Round

Well, well, it's time again for the update on insanity in Reading!

I've now ended the third week of work at Reading, with plenty to talk about - my boss (who is pretty awesome, and wants me to say g'day every morning), the many nationalities of students, my room (which I still haven't taken a picture of), and just general adventures around Reading.

My boss and everyone I work with are very cool. There is 4 Managers, 5 Welfare Leaders, 14 Activity Leaders and 10 (I think) Teachers. The insanity of this place is slowly dying down, as students and groups leave to go home or to move on to the next summer school. We had 15 boys from UAE leave today, and although Bridges is going to be super quiet now - no more kebab call outs at 12 midnight - they were great guys to talk to and have a laugh with!

So far I've met people from France, England, Wales, Scotland, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Brazil, Poland, Japan, China, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emerites, Andorra, and Holland. It's been interesting trying to understand students when they are yelling at you in italian or french, and you stand there saying 'english, please!' I have learnt how to say hello and goodbye in french and arabic, and that italian boys don't eat dinner until around 9pm.

The campus we are staying on is pretty cool, there is a lake and a little stream with ducks, geese and moor hens that pop in and out of the water, and dart past you as you walk over the bridge between classes. AWESOME! Between them, squirrels and hedgehogs, my interesting animals list is getting a great tick! The magpies here just look different.

My room - well being on the ground floor where kids can bang on your window at night when you're sleeping, and there isn't any stairs has its ups and downs!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read about your next adventure. Next time I want to be apart of it =).
